Our alp, the Pichlalm (link to a German page), is situated 1435 m above sea level and about 8 km from Pichlhof farm away. You can find the alpine cabin on Google Maps
You can get there via a 3-hour hiking tour starting from the Farm or starting from Filzensattel via a 30-minute walking tour. From end of may to september our cattle lives on the alp.
While the animals are staying on the alp you can enjoy drinks and local snacks on the Pichlalm. Bread, Speck (bacon) and cream cheese are made at our organic farm.
For children a playground next to the house is under construction. If you are interested you can watch the milking of the cows. If the weather is not that nice you can sit inside the house and enjoy the warmth.
Since the seventies a colony of marmots is living near the cabin and therefore it is not unlikely that you can hear or even see one of those shy and rare animals. Their piercing whistles can be heard quite well on the alp.
A popular hiking destination are the Lausköpfe. A 2-hour hike takes you to the summit on 2 168 m. There you can enjoy the amazing view on the mountain range Steinerne Meer and the Hochkönig.
Since 1963 our alp can be accessed by a lane, before that it was only accessible by foot or a horse-drawn cart. The construction of the cabin started in 1966. The gravel that was used for the concrete was gathered from the nearby river and the wood was taken from the forest above the old cabin.
Josef Rainer making butter in 1963.